The End of Caging: The New Work with...
"Tomorrow is the reward for the safety of the moment." Stuntman Mike
As an independent solution provider, we individually select the appropriate quality products for each requirement from our comprehensive range of leading brand manufacturers. We accompany you from conception to conclusive documentation suitable for CE marking. On request, we also prepare studies of your machinery and equipment to improve competitiveness with the help of safety technology.
Less is often more. Equipping machines with too many safety-related components can lower the safety level just as much as using the wrong technology. After all, the more components at work, the greater the risk of failure. Safety technology must not be selected and dimensioned like standard automation. That's why, when designing safety systems, we always make sure to meet not only the required performance level, but also the necessary safety level.
Success means responsibility - for your own employees and for your customers. Safety in operation is therefore indispensable, for the protection of people and machines. We view safety as an integrative part of your processes and support you with our service chain in the best possible implementation of the optimal safety solution.
The End of Caging: The New Work with...
Only a safe machine is a good machine